Customize tmux with tmux.conf

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You can modify tmux's behavior with your tmux configuration file, .tmux.conf. You can use your tmux config to change color schemes, set custom keybindings, set defaults, modify the status bar, and more. In this lesson, we'll change some of the default color options as well as modify the prefix key.

~ 8 years ago

In this video you try and set the tmux command to Ctrl+A, however in Linux it is used (or at least i use it a lot) to get to the first line of the command currently typing, i don't think that combination was a good choice to override.

Kartikey Tanna
Kartikey Tanna
~ 8 years ago

I have configured PS1 in my .bashrc.
How can I get it work under tmux?
Tried few ways but doesn't help. Can you help?

Bonnie Eisenman
Bonnie Eisenman(instructor)
~ 8 years ago

Hey - it's the binding that I personally prefer, but the principle remains: you can use the example in the video to set the binding to whatever you like.

Michael Gregoire
Michael Gregoire
~ 8 years ago

The download link is broken.

Dan Minshew
Dan Minshew
~ 7 years ago

Tip, you can source your tmux conf from within a tmux session without having to kill the server, just run:

tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf

Also, I bound my prefix to the ` symbol (Grave accent), quite nice!