1. 7
    Add Relationships Between Tables in Supabase Using Foreign Keys
    1m 12s

Add Relationships Between Tables in Supabase Using Foreign Keys

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Supabase is a collection of tools around a PostgreSQL database. Postgres is a relational database, which means we can create tables that are related to other tables - by referencing columns with a foreign key relationship.

In this video, we query our auth.users table to inspect the data that Supabase stores about our user. This is a special table that is managed by Supabase, and not something we should modify ourselves.

In order to store additional data about our user, we create a profile table. This will contain our user's stripe customer ID and whether or not they are currently subscribed. A profile should only ever exist for a specific user, therefore, we can create a relationship between these two tables.

Additionally, this will enforce constraints to stop our data becoming corrupted. It will not be possible to create a profile for a user that does not exist, and we will not be able to delete a user that has a profile.

Shoaib Burq
Shoaib Burq
~ 2 years ago

Watch out - make sure row level security is disabled in this example's profile table. Otherwise updates won't work.