Integrate MongoDB into your Express App

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This lesson will walk you through replacing the app's file system reliance with a live MongoDB database. We'll also use a popular ORM library to manage our database operations.

Nicholas Lowman
Nicholas Lowman
~ 9 years ago

Really excellent course Ben. It would be great to see more on Mongoose/MongoDB with express.

Ben Clinkinbeard
Ben Clinkinbeard(instructor)
~ 9 years ago

Thanks, Nicholas! I actually started on a new Mongoose lesson yesterday, and have 2 or 3 planned after that. :)

~ 9 years ago

Hello, i tried to repeat this code, but i've got an err. mongoose return an empty array. exports.User= mongoose.model('User', userSchema, 'user'); works fine fith 3th param.

Ben Clinkinbeard
Ben Clinkinbeard(instructor)
~ 9 years ago

Did you populate your database using the command shown?

mongoimport --db test --collection users --drop --file user_list.json

The default behavior of mongoose.model() is to use the plural form of the model name for the collection. So mongoose.model('User', userSchema) will look for a users (note the plural) collection.

~ 9 years ago

No Ben, i was used my own collection without importing. Thanks, i understand now

Pruyta Kunaroob
Pruyta Kunaroob
~ 9 years ago

How about how to embed or link one schema with others. Could you please give us more example how to go down deep with mongoose would be nice.

I would love to know what is the best way to embed/link such schema in one collection.

Ben Clinkinbeard
Ben Clinkinbeard(instructor)
~ 9 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion, Pruyta. I will try to integrate that into the next set of lessons.

Nico Castro
Nico Castro
~ 5 years ago

Thanks for the great course Ben! Finding it super helpful in brushing off the cobwebs, hadn't set up an Express server by hand in a while.

For those doing this course in 2020, I personally haven't found it too hard to work out what's been deprecated since the course was created, and using X replacement instead. Figured I'd paste my db.js code, which has a few subtle tweaks from what Ben describes, in case it helps anyone:

var uri = "mongodb://localhost:27017" // standard mongo port

var MongoClient = require("mongodb").MongoClient;

var findUsers = function (db, callback) {
  var cursor = db.collection("users").find();

  cursor.each(function (err, doc) {
    if (doc !== null) {
    } else {

MongoClient.connect(uri, function (err, client) {
  var db = client.db("test"); // "test" is the name of our DB

  findUsers(db, function () {