Create and Run Bash Scripts with Command Line Arguments

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In the lesson, we’ll learn how to encapsulate some logic we want to easily run later in a script. After creating the script, we have to use chmod u+x to give it execute permissions. If we want our script to make use of parameters passed to it when it's invoked, we can reference them using the syntax $1, $2, etc. (also known as positional parameters).

We’ll also learn about what $PATH is, and move our script to a folder already on the $PATH so that it can be executed in any folder in our shell.

Dominik Loncar
Dominik Loncar
~ 5 years ago

Nice! What other bash scripts are usfeul for devs?

Cameron Nokes
Cameron Nokes(instructor)
~ 5 years ago

Nice! What other bash scripts are usfeul for devs?

The possibilities are endless! For example: or are just recent examples I came across.